News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform
David Burrows considers the approach of the Upper Tribunal to the question of access to court documents in the context of an information rights appeal as compared with the approach of the civil and family courts… Continue reading
In this guest post The Secret Magistrate author discusses questions of recruitment and training in the context of budget cuts and mounting pressure on the magistracy… Continue reading
In this guest post The Secret Magistrate author discusses the effect of budget cuts, court closures and court modernisation on volunteers dedicated to the idea of local justice… Continue reading
David Burrows considers the Cold War legacy of a marriage conducted in a foreign embassy under Soviet occupation, with echoes of the spy fiction of the late John le Carre. … Continue reading
David Burrows considers the family court’s power to vary or set aside its own orders. … Continue reading
Following an earlier consultation, there has been a comprehensive rewriting of the rules of court dealing with the procedure to be adopted in relation to contempt of court. We summarise the key changes. … Continue reading
David Burrows considers the life cycle and status of the humble practice direction. … Continue reading
David Burrows considers recent cases which test the open justice principle by reference to court documents and potentially confidential information. … Continue reading
David Burrows considers and compares recent cases on confidentiality and expectations of privacy for those under criminal investigation… Continue reading
David Burrows considers the ‘implied undertaking’ not to release or otherwise pass on documents disclosed under compulsion in family law proceedings and whether the same rules apply as in civil proceedings… Continue reading