
Reference and support materials for case law research and legal education.

Judicial consideration: a reporter’s guide to good law


Cases and their status as good law In a Common Law jurisdiction, judges have the ability to change or clarify the law and to set precedents which bind the court in later cases. But as the law is continually developing, and as cases decided by one court can be affected by later decisions of a Continue reading

ICLR’s Law Reports: An Explainer


It is fair to say that law reporting probably strikes quite a few people out there as being a rather arcane business. The purpose of this post is to try to make things a little less obscure by explaining the various types of law report published by ICLR. Whether you’re just about to begin studying Continue reading

The ICLR guide to reportability


People often ask us, how do you decide whether or not to report a case? What are your criteria for assessing precedential value? Continue reading

Interactive guide to the different elements of a law report


Click on the image below to view and listen to the interactive guide to the different elements of a law report at Learnmore, by Lawbore.   Continue reading

Guide to ICLR law reports and their citations


The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales (ICLR) has been reporting the significant decisions of the superior courts since its foundation in 1865. Over the years, the titles under which those reports have been organised has changed. This guide aims to provide a conspectus of all the various series published at various Continue reading

Guide to UK law reports and their citations


Below is a list of the most common domestic series not published by ICLR but cited in our reports. The abbreviation forms part of a citation that may be prefaced by a year in square brackets (the year of publication) or by a year in round brackets (the year of judgment), followed by a volume Continue reading

Guide to ICLR usage stats


Individual and institutional subscribers are entitled to request usage statistics detailing the activity on their account. Usage stats can be requested for the preceding 12 months (ie since renewal) and in some cases for earlier. But no stats are collected unless the account holder is logged in (whether by individual password or via IP recognition Continue reading