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Would you like a weekly update on all the cases ICLR has published in the last week?Would you like to know which recent cases have been the subject of a free WLR (D) case summary accessible from any page on our portal or from the main law page of the G… Continue reading

BabyBarista – Barristers always judge a book by its cover

OldSmoothie was lecturing the pupils at chambers tea today. “Remember this in all things and you can’t go far wrong: always judge a book by its cover.” “Don’t you mean that you shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover?” interrupted BusyBody. “Quite the opposite. Appearance not only matters but is a good indication as Continue reading

Court Napping

Court cases can be dramatic and riveting; but all too often they turn out to be rather dull and may prompt more than simply an idle yawn or drooping lid. Continue reading

Law Reporting in a New Media Age

You can now tweet from inside court, the number of legal bloggers (or blawgers) has risen exponentially and most newspapers publish considerably more content in their online editions than they print. Meanwhile, the traditional legal correspondent … Continue reading

An unseemly turf war fought in a monstrous labyrinth

After the many children in need cases reported in recent years, including the trilogy of cases in last month’s PTSR, one might have thought that the courts had drawn the legal frontiers sufficiently clearly to eliminate funding disputes between publ… Continue reading

Carbolic smoke bongs! A revealing post from BabyBarista

Regrets? We’ve all had a few. Especially in our misspent youths. But as the latest post from the BabyBarista blog shows, there are some quite simple steps you can take to remedy even the most embarrassing (professionally speaking) lapses in your past. Chambers were discussing one of the candidates for a third six pupillage today. Continue reading