It was a great opportunity to learn more about the legal landscape of Singapore, starting at the Chamber of Commerce, before later visiting the extraordinary Eden Hall (main photo) for both a round table and evening reception where the great and the good of the Singaporean legal sector were in attendance.

Many of the tech delegates were start-ups and therefore ICLR, having been in existence since 1865, certainly stood out. It was a great opportunity to promote ICLR as the leading provider of English and Welsh law reports the world over, having been the benchmark for law reporting for 157 years. The focus was undeniably on tech and ICLR’s latest development, Case Genie, was discussed at length in terms of how it can add value to the legal research of students, barristers and solicitors in the UK and abroad.

The trip was hosted by Mike Freer MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Ministry of Justice, who spoke enthusiastically about what the UK has to offer and how the unique relationship that the UK enjoys with Singapore could, and should, be maximised. The recent Digital Economy Agreement allows “open digital markets, including guaranteed tariff-free flow of digital content” and gives confidence to all digital suppliers in the UK that Singapore is open for business and vice versa.

On behalf of ICLR I would like to thank all those from the MoJ, Chamber of Commerce, IOT Tribe and Eden Hall for making the trip run so smoothly and special thanks to Minister Freer and Ms Rahayu Mahzam, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health & Ministry of Law (see below photo) for making the trip possible.