Court of Appeal
Regina (CN)
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
[2022] EWCA Civ 86
2022 Jan 25; Feb 4
Sir Geoffrey Vos MR, King, Dingemans LJJ
Human rightsDiscriminationSimilar relevant statusClaimant contracting hepatitis B from contaminated NHS blood transfusionEx gratia scheme supporting those contracting hepatitis C or HIV from unscreened contaminated blood supplied by NHSScheme not including those with hepatitis B since NHS blood screened for such virusWhether those infected with hepatitis B in relevantly similar position to those infected with hepatitis C or HIVWhether exclusion from scheme of those with hepatitis B justified Human Rights Act 1998 (c 42), Sch 1, Pt I, arts 8, 14, Pt II, art 1
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