Court of Appeal
Combe International LLC and another
Dr August Wolff GmbH & Co KG Arzneimittel and another
[2022] EWCA Civ 1562
2022 Nov 9, 10; 30
Newey, Simler, Arnold LJJ
Trade MarkInfringementUseDefenceStatutory provision disentitling proprietor of earlier trade mark to relief after acquiescing in use of later mark for continuous period of five yearsWhether proprietor’s cancellation action against later mark interrupting period of limitationWhether broader context relevant in assessing effect of cancellation actionWhether continued rather than continuous use for five-year period sufficient to give rise to acquiescence defenceLevel of use requiredWhether proprietor’s honest and reasonable belief later mark no longer in use causing acquiescence to cease Trade Marks Act 1994 (c 26), s 48(1)
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