Supreme Court
*Regina (Moseley)
Haringey London Borough Council
[on appeal from Regina (Stirling)
Haringey London Borough Council]
[2014] UKSC 56
2014 June 19;
Oct 29
Baroness Hale of Richmond DPSC, Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore, Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony, Lord Wilson, Lord Reed JJSC
Local governmentFinanceCouncil taxCouncil tax reduction schemeConsultationClaimant challenging fairness of consultation processWhether fairness requiring consultation document to identify alternatives to preferred scheme and reasons for rejecting themWhether consultation process fair Local Government Finance Act 1992 (c 14) (as amended by Local Government Finance Act 2012 (c 17), s 10, Sch 4, para 1), s 13A, Sch 1A
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