INCO EUROPE LTD. and Others Appellants
FIRST CHOICE DISTRIBUTION (a firm) and Others Respondents
2000 Feb. 17;
March 9
Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle, Lord Steyn, Lord Clyde and Lord Millett
ArbitrationStay of judicial proceedingsArbitration agreementPlaintiffs commencing action for breach of contractDefendants' application to stay action refusedWhether Court of Appeal having jurisdiction to entertain appeal Supreme Court Act 1981 (c. 54), s. 18(1)(g) (as amended by Arbitration Act 1996 (c. 23), s. 107, Sch. 3, para. 37(2)) Arbitration Act 1996, s. 9
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