Court of Appeal
Hounslow London Borough Council
[2017] EWCA Civ 1476
2017 Sept 26;
Oct 5
Gross, Lewison, Flaux LJJ
HousingSecure tenancyClaim for possessionLocal authority landlord seeking possession of flat on mandatory ground that closure order madeTenant failing to request review of decision to seek possession within seven-day statutory time limitWhether landlord having power to extend time limit for requesting reviewWhether landlord obliged to issue fresh possession notice if tenant failing to request review in time for reasons outside his control Housing Act 1985 (c 68) (as amended by Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (c 12), ss 94(1), 95, 96), ss 83ZA, 84A, 85ZA(2)
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